Driving on a Sunday morning by yourself puts your loneliness on display, especially when you're stuck in traffic. Your loneliness is on available for everyone to see as they pass by. You, yourself, and maybe your car radio is all you have at this very moment and it all the strangers know of you to have.
Whether you're lonely or not, you just look lonely. The strangers know nothing else about you except that when it is probably the easiest time of the week to have someone accompany you to wherever you're going, you're alone.
I had this moment today as I was stuck in traffic and driving home from the beach in a severe thunderstorm.
Sunday Morning Driving
Jul 27, 2008
Posted by Justin Evans at 10:37 PM 0 comments
Labels: Loneliness
Jul 26, 2008
Why does it seem like the oddest, the strangest, the people who look like they never, ever get out of their own homes are playing DDR, or Dance Dance Revolution for those who lack knowledge of video game lingo. Today, I am going to tell you about a guy named Franz. I don't know the man's real name, but I am calling him Franz because he looks like Franz from the board game, "Guess Who?".
Actually before I continue, all different types of people play DDR, but they're generally laughing while they do it. Personally, I never have and never will, but I'm sure the average teenager to young adult has tried it once. Anyway, all the serious players are like Franz. The type of player who stares down the screen like they're Jonathon Papelbon closing out the final out of for the Boston Red Sox World Series championship. This is Franz.
Because I am literally watching this man as I type on my phone, I can describe his attire with a kind of perfection similar to his quick feet. I AM NOT MAKING THIS UP. Franz is wearing jean shorts well above his belly button with a plain blue t-shirt tucked in. He's also wearing some form of hemp belt to hold this ensamble together. To hold his wallet filled with a wad of dollar bills to play this game, he has it chained to his belt buckle. To finish off this masterpiece, he's wearing calf high socks with plain black sneakers. He's overweight, but no obese. He's also a balding man. So, maybe he is not Franz, but he's the other red head in Guess Who? Franz was the first name that came to mind. In fact, this guy looks like a red-haired hobbit.
While completely destroying all of the DDR records, Franz is drinking Apple Cider. Yes, Apple Cider in July, under a hot, steamy, humid, 90 degree clear sky. A half gallon of apple cider...in July. I must have missed the memo in health class that told us that the best thing to quench your third on a hot, steamy day is apple cider.
I had to step away for awhile because while typing all this I am at work and I had do work things. Apparently, some man gave money to a kid to play some games and the kid's mom thought the man was a pedophile.
After an hour of all this, Franz was still pounding it out on the DDR.
Posted by Justin Evans at 10:20 AM 0 comments
Labels: Apple Cider, Dance Dance Revolution, DDR, Hobbits
Dirty Pickles
Jul 24, 2008
I assume that the average person has found themselves in a restaurant's kitchen at some point in their life. I assume that the average person has seen the pickle bucket. I assume that the average person has come to realize that the servers/chefs do not wash their hands before putting their hands in the pickle bucket.
Do not eat restaurant pickles.
Sad thing is, I still do it every time knowing this bit of information. I love pickles. I don't know why. Maybe it is God's trick on me to fuck with my mind. Maybe it is his/her's/its cruel way to tempt me. Are pickles my crack/cocaine? I think so. I had one yesterday at O'Malley's in Beach Haven, NJ. The pickle tasted like absolute shit, but I still ate it.
Don't eat the pickle, don't eat the pickle, don't eat the pickle.
Posted by Justin Evans at 12:14 PM 0 comments
Labels: Pickles, Restaurants
Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs
Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs by Chuck Klosterman is fucking hilarious. I've read one chapter so far and he completely rips on Coldplay. Mind you, I enjoy Coldplay at times, but I can see exactly where he's coming from.
Fake love is a powerful thing. That girl who adored John Cusack once had the opportunity to spend a weekend with me in New York at the Waldorf-Astoria, but she elected to fly to Portland instead to see the first U.S. appearance by Coldplay, a British pop group whose success derives from their inability to write melodramatic alt-rock songs about fake love. It does not matter that Coldplay is absolutely the shittiest fucking band I've ever heard in my entire fucking life, or that they sound like a mediocre photocopy of Travis (who sound like a mediocore photocopy of Radiohead), or that their greatest fucking artistic achievement is a video where their blandly attractive frontman walks on a beach on a cloudy fucking afternoon.Just fucking hilarious. It's so true. Also, I cannot believe a person would fly to a far off city to see a band play their first show in the states. Oh, the desire to always be a part of something. Everyone wants to be a part of something. Everyone follows the red flashing lights in hope they can be a part of something they have entirely no control over. They want to witness "history." They need it. It's an addiction. Someone could sit there and punch someone in the dick for two hours and people would flock just to say they witnessed it. They witnessed a unique event! They watched a man's tears fall down his face while he took jabs to his penis for 120 minutes. Actually, now that I think about it...That is something I'd have to see.
Posted by Justin Evans at 12:50 AM 0 comments
Labels: and Cocoa Puffs, Chuck Klosterman, Drugs, Sex
Wow, It's Been Awhile.
Jul 23, 2008
So, I started this blog last September. I wrote one post and one post only. It was about some shitty Saved by the Bell episode I apparently saw that morning.
Anyway, in the meantime, I created a Philadelphia sports blog, We Hate to Lose, and I totally forgot about this blog. While, I enjoyed and still enjoy writing about the local heart-breakers, I felt that I want to return to write about the random thoughts that pop into my head.
So, who am I? My name is Justin. Hi. Hello. Hola. Yo. Bonjour. Ciao. This is not a blog where I will talk about stupid pointless shit that happens during my daily routine. I don't care to use as much time as it took me to complete my day to sit here and detail my day. The people that do that are assholes. Seriously. Assholes. If some fat ass with purple hair isn't blogging about you, no one cares. End of story.
Forgive me and I must pre-warn you, I can get vulgar at times and often. I'll try to keep it to a bare minimum, but we'll see.
Posted by Justin Evans at 11:02 PM 0 comments